Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Cara membuat forum shoutbook di wapka.mobi

Mungkin untuk pemula masih binggung bagai mana caranya membuat forum shoutbook di wapka.mobi nah silah kan di simak baik baik.

  1. Buatlah forum terlebih dahulu dengan cara EDIT SITE>> FORUM kalau untuk shoutbook buat yang simpel aja.
  2. Catat kode forumnya yang nanti akan di masukkan kedalam forum list.
  3. Buat sitenya bila kamu ingin menampilkanke site tertentu atau letakkan saja diindex.
  4. gunakan kode berikut
:forumlist:f=1234,o=n::%name% (%time%)<br/>%text%::<hr/>:/forumlist: 

keterangan: huruf yang berwarna hijau muda diganti dengan id forum yang di catat tadi

Dan untuk kode tambahan lainnya seperti dibawah

 f - forum/forums ID
t - time format for time variable (%time%)
l - limit parameter. l parameter can have numberic value (1 - 200). It is maximal count of messages for one site.
s - site parameter. This parameter is useful, if you want to separate list on more sites. For example if you want to display list with first 10 messages set parameter l on 10 and parameter s on 1, if you want to display next 10 messages (11-20) leave parameter l on 10 and parameter s set on 2.
o - order parameter can have two values: n (new first) and o (old first): o=n

For Line format can be used following variables:
%name% - User name
%tname% - User name (only text without color,icon,...)
%lname% - User name (link)
%time% - time of the message
%text% - text
%ip% - IP adress
%ipx% - IP adress (in format 123.123.123.xxx)
%browser% - browser
%flag% - flag
%country1% - Whole name of coutry %country2% - abbreviation of country (2 letters) %country3% - abbreviation of country (3 letters)
%prvar-N% - value from profile where N is variable ID. For example if you want to display information from ::var-1:: use %prvar-1%
%urlpicture% - URL of picture from profile. This variable generate only URL, not whole picture code!!! It means, that must be used with HTML code. Example: <img src="%urlpicture%"/>
%urlprcom% - URL of the link to profile comments. This variable generate only URL, not whole link code!!!
%urlpm% - URL of the link to send Private message. This variable generate only URL, not whole link code!!!

semoga bermanfaat...

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